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Platform for Rapid Development of Personalized Nanomedicine Drug Delivery Systems

Start Date: 01-09-2020

End Date: 28-02-2022


CORDIS identification number: 946050

Innovation idea of the proposal is to create a standalone personalized-medicine computational platform that use patient-specific tumour parameters to recommend nanomedicine-based drug delivery systems which would be the most optimal to treat specific patient. It will be done by using a computational platform that is under development in the ongoing FET Open project EVO-NANO. The core of PACE will be to develop IP in EVO-NANO in accordance to market and regulatory demands thus increasing both the technology readiness level (TRL) as well as the investment readiness level (IRL). The ultimate objective will be to position IP from EVO-NANO for market uptake through the completion of exhaustive commercial due diligence which will create the market strategy from gathered market research. The project will consist of several stages that are organized so that each step further funnels the research down to ever greater levels of focus. Stages are: 1- Ideation, IP / Business Model Preliminary Research and Positioning; 2 -Market Research, which is divided into two sub-stages: 2A – Macro Market Research and Analysis, and 2B – Application Research and Analysis; 3- Market Strategy; and 4- Exploitation. The impact of this proposal will be the creation of monetarily valuable IP and/or the foundation for the creation of a business that can create monetary value. Although the ongoing FET Open project EVO-NANO will have social impact toward treating cancer, PACE is aimed at gathering the necessary market information to position EVO-NANO for market uptake. In other words, these projects will increase the competiveness of European SMEs while contributing/supporting European industrial leadership in nano-personalized medicine technologies. The dissemination of PACE will go beyond simply broadcasting the IP and will be specifically aimed at targeting the audience decided upon in the market research stage.