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Analysing Temperature Effects with a Mobile and Precise Gradient Device

Start Date: 01-10-2019

End Date: 30-09-2020


CORDIS identification number: 850877

The ATEMPGRAD technology is based on the ASSISI|bf paradigm, which shows how an active dialogue can be engaged with organisms, instead of just observing them. The PocketEthoLab takes up this principle and transforms it into a cost-effective and portable device, which is designed for use in educational institutions. It offers a range of interaction possibilities with different organisms (especially insects, but also plants, micro-organisms or even chemical reaction agents), especially through a temperature gradient or more complex and dynamic thermal patterns, which in their own rightoffer a range of interaction possibilities with the organisms. In addition, the device optionally offers a way to automatically observe and analyze the organisms’ behavior and a way to adapt subsequent stimuli to the observed behaviour. Through an extensible interface, many different stimuli can act simultaneously on the organism. Thus, we can provide a simple to use yet versatile tool for small scale research and educational purposes, which we would like to make commercially available to the general public by designing it as a novel educational tool for modern interactive forms of teaching biology, physics, ecology, ethology and global change.