
The Scope

The Hub will activate the constructive interactions between ICT developers, SSH researchers and other stakeholders (e.g. NGOs, citizens and users)  leading to a responsible approach to research and innovation through the uptake of SSH expertise and RRI actions.

The Outputs

HubIT outputs

  1. Propose an European Framework Model for responsible ICT innovation: a comprehensive set of jointly developed and used definitions, guidelines and tools for enforcing RRI and SSH issues into ICT R&I
  2. Engage stakeholders: through speed-dating events, national workshops, international thematic workshops, networking events, international policy workshops, etc.
  3. Facilitate pratical collaborations and experimental activities: through European inclusive hackathons, a European Commom Ground Camp and an European Interactive ICT labs.
  4. Establish evidence base for R&I policies measured by key success indicators: through key performance indicators and policy recommendations.
  5. Provide access to information concerning HubIT activities and results: through the project online platform, a dissemination and communication programme and annual conferences.

The Challenge

The Hub will activate the constructive interactions between ICT developers, SSH researchers and other stakeholders (e.g. NGOs, citizens and users)  leading to a responsible approach to research and innovation through the uptake of SSH expertise and RRI actions.

The long term strategic objective of HubIT is to contribute to the high level of European research and innovation and ensure that H2020 funded and further ICT related innovation is responsible, inclusive and aimed at reversing inequalities.

The direct objective of HubIT is to build a Hub that will activate and improve constructive and co-creative interactions between SSH and ICT disciplines in developing and implementing a shared vision of inclusive ICT research and innovation.